Fusion Dust
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Fusion dust, a key component of many micronuclear devices, is a magnetoarcane mixture typically consisting of red amber, gold nanoflakes, and arcaellium vapor-filled metallic hydrogen bubbles. Fusion dust can be found in high-energy lasers, microfission reactors, emergency flares, and neutron charges, among other devices, The isotopic makeup of the metallic hydrogen varies from composition to composition; D-T is often used, but tritium-suppressed D-D is preferred for most applications due to its reduced radioactivity and greater affinity towards kinetic converters.
Perfected by Archipelago Atomics and a team led by the enigmatic Anaszcan Maciha Zagramen in 2340 SSD, fusion dust and its underlying principles revolutionised the energetic materials industry. Though its radioactivity and high activation threshold limited its applications, chemical cells using similar mixtures emerged with unparalleled power densities, revolutionising the field of handheld energy weapons.